Tantra Massage
Tantra massage is a meeting of the Divine between the bodies of the giver and the receiver. It is a sacred space where your body, as a receiver, is met with devotional and loving touch. To be held in such space of devotion is nothing short of extraordinary and might mark an inflection point in the life of many.
Tantra massage extends this touch to all parts of our bodies and allows for a full body experience and relaxation. Genitals are also included in this practice and treated with equal reverence and devotional touch as the rest of the body. Estimulation via intense friction to reach ejaculation is not the goal. This massage might awaken sexual energy, and in such cases, you will be invited to breath, sound and move that energy throughout your body.
This experience might invite deeper relaxation in your body, unlock new realms of pleasure and bliss, bring full body orgasms, re-activate and reconnect numb areas in your body, hit and dissolve emotional blocks and catalyse new levels of aliveness and thirst for life.
Tantra massage might be for you if:
You want to explore new levels of pleasure.
You want to heal sexual wounds.​
You find yourself tense and in your mind in sexual contexts.
You want to be more present and relaxed in your body.
You long to be touched with caring, devotional and loving touch.
You desire to experience your sexual aliveness fully without worrying about the pleasure of the other person and be lovingly held in that process.
You want to experience a connection with the Divine through your body.​​​
The first time I came in contact with the art of Tantra Massage was during the 1-Year program "Expanding into Love" at the Temple of Tantric Arts, in Belgium (2022). I kept practicing and working on it until I became a certified Tantra Massage practitioner in October 2024, again by the Temple of Tantric Arts. I have been loving this journey so much and, if you may be curious about it, I can not wait to share this gift with you.
Tantra massage is an intuitive massage. Meaning that no particular sequence is followed and it is the transmission of the Divine that will guide the giver. There are some general patterns that occur in most massages. First the back part of the body is massaged, then the front part and last, if it was agreed beforehand and is within the boundaries of the receiver, the genial area and/or anus.
Practical details
The oil I use is coconut or almond oil as it has been proven to be the most suitable and safe to massage genital areas. For the rest of the body, oils from the land might be used (e.g. olive oil) or aromatised oils for a highly sensorial experience.
The session starts with a conversation to talk through any important information that needs to be exchanged between the giver and the receiver. This generally contains feeling into boundaries, desires, inform of pains and areas of the body that need care, and setting an intention for the massage. Then the massage starts. The giver connects with the Divine through a short prayer, consecrates the time dedicated to the massage and starts meeting the other body energetically. Then the dance with the Divine starts. The receiver will be invited to move, sound and breath to bring presence to her or his body. When the massage concludes, the receiver will be covered with a blanket and will have 5-10 minutes approximately to integrate the experience. A brief conversation about the essence of the experience might be held. Else, gratitude in silence will be exchanged and the session concludes.
Sessions last from 2 to 3 hours. Session time includes the massage and the preparatory steps before and after the massage. The longer the massage, the more number of layers it will be possible to move through. Another option is to surrender and let the massage complete itself when it is felt by the giver, and generally, also by the receiver. The investment is adjusted to the amount of time the massage has lasted.
The price for 2 hours is 220 €. For longer times, each extra 30 minutes is 50 €.
The above prices are considering that the massage would take place at my location. If I need to transfer, I will request 80€ per hour of transfer.
My why
I absolutely love to do this. Really. It is a transcendental practice for me. After each massage I stop and go in silence to let sink the sacredness, the honor and the beauty of the experience. There is something about the connection with another being in this context that touches me so deeply. I get transformed by every massage I offer.
The feedback I receive is that there is something very safe, nurturing and healing about my presence, which allow people to feel the innocence and purity of this offering. My touch is like a wave in the ocean, bringing different intensities, moving in a continuous manner, merging with something greater than itself and fading slowly away.
Do you feel the spark to work with me?